Contact Texoma Livestock
770 R.C. Vaughan Rd.
Denison, TX 75020
The Texoma Exposition & Livestock facilities are located at the west end of Loy Park in Denison (Grayson County), Texas. Take Exit 67 off of Highway 75. The park entrance is on the west side of the highway.
Hoyt Ivey (903) 815-2780
Facility Rentals
Bob Schnitker (903) 813-6229
Grounds & Maintenance
Leroy Griswold (903) 821-6432
Facilities Available to Rent
The Mayor Arena:
The Mayor Arena is a large, fully enclosed facility that can accommodate a variety of events. It is equipped with the following amenities:
- Six (6) large automated overhead doors on each side and several smaller manual overheads.
- Enclosed concessions room
- Restrooms inside facility
- Soft surface arena with removable panels for open or closed format.
- Large concrete surface surrounding arena.
- Aluminum bleachers on east and west sides of arena.
- Raised announcer's booth with sound system.
- Six (6) 24-foot fans.
Small Show Arena:
The small show arena is adjacent to the swine barn and is equipped with announcers stand, P.A., and bleachers on each side of the arena.
View Rental Agreement

- Contact TELS
Hoyt Ivey
903-815-2780 - TELS Email - Facility Rentals
Contact Bob Schnitker
903-813-6229 - Grounds and Maintenance
Contact Leroy Griswold
Website by Ranch House Designs